Hit your 2017 Sales target with Effective Advertising

You can radically improve your sales in 2017 if you do your advertising right.

If 1% of the people in your city remembers your brand first when they want to make a related purchase, you will not lack sales. However, to achieve that comes with some basic understanding of the right advertising principles that work.

Let’s take a look at important principles that you should inculcate into your advertising strategy;

Consistency is important

An average prospect will see your advert like 5 times or even more before they make a purchase or at least, before your brand name sticks to their brain. There is a saying that “a person needs to know you, your reputation, and your product or service before he/she is willing to make a purchase”. Repetition works great in advertising and beyond that, a great percentage of your target audience will not purchase your products until months or years later. When you are not consistent, you lose sales.

Be Fresh & Creative

Since a good percentage of your prospects will not buy your products or services immediately, you want to create advertising that evokes emotional response and has a good recall, so that you can conveniently take a space in the mind of the prospect and make it harder to be easily forgotten. An average person is exposed to thousands of advertising messages daily, for yours not to be part of the thousands of advertising that won’t be remembered you need to be “fresh” and deplore creative ideas in your communication.

Speak, like your Target Audience

In creating your advertising copy (copy is your advertising message), you need to speak the language that your target audience understands so as to tap into their emotions and get positive responses from them. For example, telling a parent that has a child in elementary school to pay school fees easily by saving little by little in the bank will still work more than telling them to just open an account and start saving little by little.

Think through Conversion

Conversion is like a funnel that helps to channel prospects into the right direction, i.e. becoming a paying customer. This is so simple and fundamental but a lot of businesses still miss this out in planning their advertising. You need to have your internal processes in place to convert prospects easily. Like a bottled-water brand will distribute their bottles to the neighborhood stores before advertising, so that when advertising has been seen by the target audience, the neighborhood store is there to close the sale. A service-based business must also design conversion mechanism to ensure a high percentage of prospects that make enquiry are converted to real customers through effective follow-up.

At Phoster, we are poised to help you create and deploy effective advertising that improves sales. See four (4) tools and strategies you can deploy to improve your sales below;

  1. Digital or Traditional Campaigns:

    Phoster Communications can create that fresh advertising strategy and creatives you need to break through the clutter and dominate your industry both to deploy online or offline, from videos to print to skits. Click here to contact or connect with us.

  2. Email Marketing

    Our ground breaking software, Mebomail can help you reach lots of people through email at a price that is 30x cheaper than the other email marketing software out there. Plus there is also plenty of ways you can automate your emails. See how Mebomail can help you send emails to 10,000 people with just $5!

  3. Social Media Management

    We already help top brands in Nigeria and Africa to manage their social media pages and achieve great top-of-mind awareness among their targets and fans. To remain in the face of your fans with quality and engaging contents, you can contact us.

  4. Beautiful Gifts and Branded Items

    When you give branded items, you are simply turning your customers into your billboards and making referrals easier. Phoster Gifts is our arm that makes beautiful branded items that you will love.